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The American-Luxembourgers Study
Embracing A New Population
Updated: July 2nd, 2023
Written by: Daniel Atz with Lauren Lowell
As of June 30th, 2023, 14,111 Luxembourg citizens were living in the United States of America. Who are these new dual citizens? This study is a one-of-a-kind overview of the American-Luxembourger dual citizens.
The American-Luxembourgers Study
Embracing A New Population
Updated: January 25th, 2023
Written by: Daniel Atz with Lauren Lowell
As of June 30th, 2023, 14,111 Luxembourg citizens were living in the United States of America. Who are these new dual citizens? This study is a one-of-a-kind overview of the American-Luxembourger dual citizens.
In 2018, we at LuxCitizenship began to realize that there was a serious need to demystify who are the American born individuals applying for Luxembourg citizenship through ancestry. We decided to use the aggregated data from our clients’ citizenship applications to create an overview of this new population. We called this the American-Luxembourgers Study. Our first study was based on 241 dual citizen applicants and 46 Luxembourg ancestors.
Now in its 5th annual edition, the 2023 American-Luxembourgers study is based on data from Luxembourg’s Ministry of Justice, National Archives, Data.Public.Lu, CTIE, STATEC, and our own study of 1,029 (future) dual citizens and 223 Luxembourg ancestors.

In 2008, the new Luxembourg Nationality Act introduced the concept of dual citizenship in Luxembourg. Since then, thousands of people have obtained Luxembourg dual citizenship through ancestry.
Total Luxembourg Citizens in the US
According to Luxembourg’s Ministry of Justice’s statistics, in 2022, 668 American adults obtained Luxembourg citizenship through an ancestor alive on January 1st, 1900. But these numbers actually hide much larger total growth. There are various paths to obtain proof of Luxembourg citizenship through ancestry.
According to the National Registry of Physical Persons (RNPP), since 2018, the number of Luxembourg citizens in the United States has increased from 3,602 to 14,111. This increase of 10,509 citizens is equivalent to 292% growth over five years.
As of June 2023, the United States is the fifth foreign country in the world with the most Luxembourg Citizens. It comes in just behind Germany and before Switzerland.
And these numbers are guaranteed to grow. As many as 1,000 of the original American 4,509 qualified American adults may still be eligible to travel to Luxembourg and claim citizenship under Article 89. Their final deadline to do so is December 2025.
American Adults Obtaining Luxembourg Citizenship by Year
According to the National Registry of Physical Persons (RNPP), since 2018, the number of Luxembourg citizens in the United States has increased from 3,602 to 14,111. This increase of 10,509 citizens is equivalent to 292% growth over five years.
As of June 2023, the United States is the fifth foreign country in the world with the most Luxembourg Citizens. It comes in just behind Germany and before Switzerland.
And these numbers are guaranteed to grow. As many as 1,000 American adults are still eligible to travel to Luxembourg and claim citizenship under Article 89. Their final deadline to travel to Luxembourg is December 2025.
Luxembourg has a population of 665,896. There are already 14,111 Luxembourg citizens living in the United States, which is equivalent to 2% of Luxembourg’s total population.
The total population of American-Luxembourgers is now equivalent to
of Luxembourg’s total population.
It’s time to get to know this new population.
Let’s Get To Know Each Other
In our ancestors study, we established that our 1,209 (future) dual citizens had 223 Luxembourg ancestors. These ancestors mostly came from Luxembourg in the mid-1800s, and the largest group settled in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
Luxembourg Ancestor Place of Birth
Ancestor Last US Residence
Now Meet Their Descendants
From these 223 ancestors, 223 families popped up and branched out. Today, the 1,029 American-Luxembourgers cover a wide range of demographics and walks of life.
Participant Gender
Participant Age
Face of a New Generation
The biggest grouping of our dual citizens is in the 18-39 age range and 4-5 generations removed from their ancestor.
American-Luxembourg dual citizen Karissa eloquently explains about what her Luxembourg heritage means to her. This was part of a 2020 video campaign during the outbreak of Covid-19.
Generations from Ancestor
American-Luxembourgers: Where Are They From?
Much like their Luxembourg ancestors, many of our study’s participants were born and live in Midwestern states such as Minnesota, Illinois, and Wisconsin. 34.9% of all our participants live in these three states alone.
Where Applicants Were Born
Where Applicants Live Today
Mobility – How “Close to Home” Are the American-Luxembourgers?
Nearly 70% of participants no longer live in the state where their Luxembourg ancestor resided. Of these same participants, 43% of them also do not live in the state where they were born. Overall, this is a very mobile population.
Born in Same State as Ancestor
Live in Same State as Ancestor
Born + Live in the Same State
Where Have They Moved?
Despite similar maps above, many participants have moved states in their lifetimes. The most common trend we see is from the Midwest to the West Coast. Also while over 1/3 of our American Luxembourger Survey respondents expressed having lived outside the US at some point in their lives, only 2% currently live in a foreign country.
Where Have Applicants Moved Since Birth?
Foreign Countries of Residence

Furthermore, 52.1% of the dual citizens who still live in the same state as their Luxembourg ancestor live in Minnesota. What’s keeping these Luxembourgers in Minnesota? Check out our Minnesota Dual Citizens study.
About the Dual Citizen Families
Just over half of our dual citizens are married. On the other hand, only 43% have children. The largest group among them has two children.
# of Children
Children Applying?
Education Level
The minimum education level of the participants in this study was a high school degree, and 90% indicate they have pursued higher education beyond high school.
Education Level Achieved
College Majors
Some of the most common college majors among our participants were Law, Business Administration, Nursing, and Computer Science.
College Majors
Career Path
While American Luxembourgers work in a wide variety of fields, over 1 in 10 work in education, while the same number work in healthcare.
Career Path

Applicant Job Titles
The American Luxembourger participants in our study have many different jobs and titles, but some of the most common professor, operations manager, president, and social worker.
Applicant Job Titles

The American Luxembourger participants in our study have many different jobs and titles, but some of the most repeated were Professor, Operations Manager, President, and Social Worker.
Are you ready to learn more about the American Luxembourgers?
Continue on to our American Dual Citizens Survey to learn more about the applicant’s motivations and future plans.
Are you ready to learn more about the American Luxembourgers?
Continue on to our American Dual Citizens Survey to learn more about the applicant’s motivations and future plans.
American Dual Citizens Survey
Learn more about the Luxembourg dual citizens.
Our team has put together six interactive studies on Luxembourg dual citizens. Check out our case study portal to continue reading.
Navigate our Case Studies

Learn more about the Luxembourg dual citizens.

Our team has put together six interactive studies on Luxembourg dual citizens. Check out our case study portal to continue reading.
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