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LuxCitizenship’s 2021 Annual Report
At LuxCitizenship, transparency is one of our most important values. We are committed to providing as much transparent data about our activity as our contracts and data privacy policies allow. In our first annual report, we break down our major achievements of the year, how many new citizenship applications started, how many of our clients got their dual citizenship, data on our outreach efforts.
To download the print version of the annual report in .PDF, click here.
Navigate our Annual Report
Despite the constantly changing international travel and health regulations across 2021, LuxCitizenship experienced steady growth across nearly all metrics. While the total number of new clients we signed up in 2021 was 7% lower than in 2020 (344 vs 370), over 4 times as many clients had their Luxembourg dual citizenship confirmed in 2021 than 2020 (310 vs 77).
However, one thing remains clear, applicants are still hesitant about international travel. Although around 260 clients were eligible to travel to Luxembourg to complete their dual citizenship application, only 48 clients did so during the 140 days in 2021 it was legal to travel to Luxembourg.
Major Achievements of 2021
Below, we set out some additional memorable moments we achieved as a team in 2021:

Growth & Milestones
On November 16th, 2021, LuxCitizenship celebrated its 5th anniversary. Exactly one month before this deadline, we hit the milestone of 1,000 total clients we have helped on the path to dual citizenship. On December 23rd, 2021, we hit the milestone of 1,000 active American clients.
LuxCitizenship in Portuguese
Did you know that for every American applicant, 3 Brazilians applied to reclaim Luxembourg dual citizenship? In September, we launched a whole new version of our website for the Brazilian dual citizens moving to Luxembourg. We also added several videos!

Expansion of Our Team
In 2021, our team grew from 2 to 6! In January 2021, we welcomed Sarah Friedman as General Manager at our office in New York. Daniel and Sarah previously worked together at the Belgian-American Chamber of Commerce.
Operation From Luxembourg
Daniel spent from May-August 2021 living in Luxembourg which allowed LuxCitizenship to expand our services, build new partnerships on the ground in Luxembourg, expand our video content, and meet with Luxembourgish politicians and press about dual citizen issues.

Expansion of Our American-Luxembourgers Study
This year we launched the first survey of American-Luxembourgish dual citizens, a research report how the events of 2020 affected applications for dual citizenship, and an expansion of our annual American-Luxembourgers study. We also launched a special interactive study about the dual citizens living in Minnesota.
Impact Report – Dual Citizenship
Learn more about the impact that LuxCitizenship has made through assisting our clients on their journey to Luxembourg dual citizenship.
As of December 31st, 2021, LuxCitizenship has helped 1,008 Americans on the path to Luxembourg Dual Citizenship. Of this group, 723 or 72% are adults and 285 or 28% are minor children. Further breaking it down, 53% are male and 47% are female.
Although there are many ways to legally obtain Luxembourg dual citizenship, LuxCitizenship exclusively works on the four types of citizenship procedures related to having ancestors from Luxembourg. Each procedure is based on rules in certain articles of the Luxembourgish Nationality Act of March 2017.
New Applicants for Dual Citizenship
Of these 1,008 (future) US-Luxembourg dual citizens, 344 people entered into contract with LuxCitizenship in 2021. These 344 individuals from 2021 account for 34% of our total dual citizenship clients.
Our clients tend to apply in groups. Of the 344 clients, there were 114 family groups, averaging out to 3 persons per group. In 2021, our largest family group had 25 applicants while 52 individuals applied on their own. For the 114 family groups, there were 93 Luxembourg ancestors, meaning some of our clients are related to each other.
2021 Applicants by Type
Of all 344 LuxCitizenship clients that joined us in 2021:
Applying under Article 7
Applying under Article 23
Applying under Article 89
Applying under Article 7/23
About the New Applicants by Article
Article 7
Recognition of Luxembourg Dual Citizenship
Article 7 is for individuals who were already born a citizen of Luxembourg, whether they knew so or not. These individuals mail in their application and do not travel to Luxembourg.

67% of LuxCitizenship’s 2021 clients or 227 people are applying under Article 7. This is a decrease of 15% when compared to 2020, where Article 7 represented 261 people or 70% of clients. For the 227 clients from 2021, a total of 172 or 76% were able to submit their applications to Luxembourg by the end of the year. Of those, 11 or 6% have already received proof of citizenship and 161 or 94% are still waiting for a response. An additional 55 or 24% have not yet submitted their mail-in application.
Article 23
Luxembourg Dual Citizenship by Option
Article 23 is for an individual with a parent or grandparent who is or was a Luxembourgish citizen.

Like for Article 89, this procedure is split into a first mail-in and then a second in-person phase in Luxembourg. However, unlike Article 89, these people have no deadlines. 4% of LuxCitizenship’s new clients in 2021 or 15 people are applying under Article 23. For these 15 clients, a total of 12 were able to submit their mail-in applications to Luxembourg. Of those, 5 have received a certificate from Luxembourg and an additional 7 are still waiting for a response. Of the people who received a certificate, none traveled to Luxembourg to actually apply for citizenship.
Article 89
Recover Luxembourg Citizenship
Article 89 is for an individual with a Luxembourgish ancestor alive on 1/1/1900. After an extension at the end of 2022, these individuals now must travel to Luxembourg before 12/31/2025 to obtain dual citizenship.

Because these individuals had to first apply before 12/31/18, our new 2021 clients completed the 1st phase without LuxCitizenship’s help. While Article 89 represent 22% of total LuxCitizenship clients, only 7% of 2021 clients are applying under Article 89. This is equivalent to 23 people, which is a decrease of 4% when compared to 2020 (24 people, 6% of 2020 clients). Currently, we have an additional 89 Article 89 clients who are waiting to travel to Luxembourg. While the deadline has since been extended, they originally had until 12/31/2022 to do so.
Article 7/23
Posthumous Citizenship By Option
Finally, Articles 7 and 23 can be combined to make additional people eligible for citizenship.

Article 7/23 applicants represent 23% of LuxCitizenship’s 2021 clients or 79 people. This figure represents an increase of 5% on 2020’s 75 applicants or 20% of total 2020 clients. For our 2021 Article 7/23 clients, a total of 39 or 49% were able to submit their mail-in applications by the end of the year. Of those, 30 or 77% have already received a certificate from Luxembourg. An additional 9 or 23% are still waiting for a response. Of the people who received a certificate from Luxembourg, 6 were able to travel to Luxembourg and complete their application in 2021.
Citizenship Received
The number of LuxCitizenship clients who received their Luxembourg citizenship in 2021 grew significantly from the previous year! Learn more about our clients who have successfully completed their citizenship applications.
As of 12/31/2021, a total of 478 LuxCitizenship clients have received their Luxembourg dual citizenship, or 47% of our clients. 319 or 67% are adults and 159 or 43% are minors. Additionally, 247 or 52% are male and 231 or 48% are female.
We can also break the 478 figure down based on application type. 24% of individuals have obtained dual citizenship under Article 89, 69% under Article 7, 1% under Article 23, and 6% under the Article 7/23 Combo.
Of these 478 LuxCitizenship clients, 310 obtained their dual citizenship in 2021.
Citizenship Received by Article
Article 7
252 people or 81% obtained their dual citizenship under Article 7. This is a 681% increase compared to the 37 total Article 7 applicants who received their citizenship in 2020. Of the 252, 93 individuals or 37% submitted their applications in 2021, 139 or 55% submitted their applications in 2020, 18 or 7% submitted their applications in 2019, and 2 or less than 1% submitted their applications in 2018.
Other Procedures
An additional 9% or 29 people traveled to Luxembourg and received their citizenship under Article 89. 4 clients or 1% traveled to Luxembourg and received citizenship under Article 23.
Under the Article 7/23 combo, 26 clients or 8% of 310 received citizenship in 2021.
Impact – Education & Outreach
In addition to the individuals we directly support in their application for dual citizenship, many additional individuals benefit from resources which we make publicly available online and free of charge, including via our website, social media networks, and through video platforms.
Website Performance
From the period January 1st-December 31st, 2021, we had 23,228 visitors to our webpage, which is a 7.3% increase from the same period in 2020, where we had 21,516 visitors. Of our visitors, 56% came from the USA, 11% from Brazil, and 10% from Luxembourg.
The average visitor spent 3 minutes and 35 seconds on our website and visited 5.37 pages equaling to 158,873 webpage views.
Throughout 2021, our three most visited pages included our Eligibility for Luxembourg Dual Citizenship page with 18,447 views, our Home Page with 13,842 views, and our Article 7 Luxembourg Dual Citizenship page with 5,813 views.
In 2021, our website received…
New Pages + Posts
Website Visitors
Page Views
Viewers' Countries
Eligibility Test
Many visitors to our website take advantage of our free tool, the Luxembourg Dual Citizenship Eligibility Test. The tool can provide accurate, automated dual citizenship eligibility feedback for over 95% of submissions. In 2021, the tool issued 526 dual citizenship eligibility opinions or about 44 per month. At that rate, we converted approximately 22% of the respondents into customers.
Video Content
In addition to our website, we significantly expanded our focus on video content in 2021. To date, we had uploaded 52 videos to YouTube in 2021. Across 2021, our videos appeared in over 151,711 user searches and received 14,900 views. This represents 153% growth from 5,910 view in 2020. Our viewers watched 33,288 total minutes of our content, which is equivalent to 23.1 days.
Our most popular videos on YouTube were Reasons to Become a Citizen of Luxembourg with 2,824 views, 2021 Eligibility for Luxembourg Dual Citizenship with 1,355 views, and Visiting Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, receiving 1,281 views.
About LuxCitizenship
LuxCitizenship.com is an online platform helping people get dual citizenship, relocate and find professional opportunities in Luxembourg and across Europe. Keep reading to learn more about our team’s mission and values.
We fervently believe that building bridges across the Atlantic that can better facilitate collaboration between the Americas and Europe is one of the best ways to strive to reinforce the place of democratic values in our world and to overcome tomorrow’s global challenges.
We set out on this adventure as a mission-driven social enterprise in 2016. We specifically work with individuals who have ancestors from Luxembourg to establish eligibility and apply for dual citizenship in the Grand Duchy. We also strive to educate and keep these new transatlantic influencers informed about Luxembourg, the European Union and its culture, economy, and history. Once these individuals obtain dual citizenship, we also help them assess, prepare for, and accomplish building a future in Europe.
LuxCitizenship was founded by international affairs expert and entrepreneur Daniel Atz. Our LGBT-owned business is headquartered on New York City’s famous Madison Avenue.

Social Media
When it comes to social media, we are active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin. While we do our best to provide news updates, cultural awareness, and information about our business and community via all social channels, we post most frequently to Facebook. We ended 2021 with 812 page likes (928 followers) on Facebook. Across the year, we made 176 Facebook posts reaching 11,559 users and earning 2,542 reactions.