
The Argentine-Luxembourgers Survey

Updated: January 9th, 2024
Written by: Daniel Atz with Lauren Lowell

Why are Argentines applying for Luxembourgish citizenship? This is the first survey to measure how these new dual citizens see Luxembourg and their future in Europe.

The Argentine-Luxembourgers Survey

Updated: January 9th, 2024
Written by: Daniel Atz with Lauren Lowell

Why are Argentines applying for Luxembourgish citizenship? This is the first survey to measure how these new dual citizens see Luxembourg and their future in Europe.

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In April and July of 2023, we ran an open survey of Argentine-Luxembourgish dual citizens through ancestry. 124 dual citizens participated representing a wide range of ages and demographics.

The following is the first systematic survey of the Argentine-Luxembourger dual citizens. In it, respondents provided answers to questions on their future in Luxembourg and motivations for applying for dual citizenship. All respondents are non-clients who participated in an open survey of confirmed dual citizens through ancestry.

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Key Findings

Having analyzed the results of our survey, we have highlighted some general findings.

1. Over 70% of the Argentine dual citizen survey respondents want to learn Luxembourgish

2. The age bracket most interested in moving to Luxembourg or the EU is respondents aged 20-39

3. Most Argentines are established in their own country. 41% have no plans to move to the EU, a number almost 3 times higher than for Brazil.

4. The Argentine respondents were 2.6 times more likely to express interest in moving to Luxembourg “sometime much later in life” than our American or Brazilian respondents

Citizenship Status

We asked the respondents about the basics of their Luxembourgish citizenship.

Citizenship Status: Who Are Our Respondents?

100% of the respondents to our survey have already obtained Luxembourgish dual citizenship. Furthermore, 32.2% expressed that they have obtained a Luxembourgish passport.

Year Citizenship Was Received

2016 or Before
















Have Luxembourgish Passport

International Experience

We asked the dual citizens about their experiences outside of Argentina.

Who’s Been to the Grand Duchy?

While not all of our respondents had to travel to Luxembourg to complete their citizenship applications, 30.5% reported that they have visited Luxembourg in their lifetime. Of those who have visited Luxembourg, 10.2% have visited 2 or more times (or live in the Grand-Duchy).

Traveled to Luxembourg

If yes, how many times?

1 time


2-3 times


4+ times


I live in Luxembourg




Have You Lived Outside of Argentina?

Out of the surveyed individuals, 16.9% mentioned they had prior experience living outside Argentina. This figure slightly exceeds half of the proportion of the Americans with experience living abroad and is still 10.6% lower than the Brazilians as well.

Have You Lived Abroad?

Current Country of Residence


Most people in Luxembourg speak 4-5 languages. How do the Argentine dual citizens compare?

Speak a Foreign Language?

46.3% of the dual citizen respondents self-reported speaking a foreign language. The standard in the survey used for defining this was the “ability to fluidly use a language for the responsibilities of your work”. We assess that this number, while reflecting the respondents’ answers, is likely over expressed.

Do You Speak a Foreign Language?

Languages Spoken








*Percentage of All Respondents Speaking Language, Possible to make multiple choices

While 46.3% of respondents speak at least one foreign language, 6.5% speak two foreign languages or more.

Schwätzt Dir Lëtzebuergesch?

Around 70.2% of the Argentine dual citizen applicants indicate being interested to learn Luxembourgish. While these numbers are slightly lower than those of their American and Brazilian counterparts, this could be a real opportunity to explore.

Interested in Learning Luxembourgish?

Interest to Move

Do these new dual citizens plan to put their citizenship to use? How do they see their future in Europe?

Packing Bags: Are Argentine-Luxembourgers Headed to the EU?

59.3% of our dual citizen respondents expressed interest in moving to the EU. However, our research shows that just over half of those who expressed interest have no plans to move in the short term. Our motivations section indicates that many of the dual citizens hope to eventually work in Europe.

Want to Move to the EU?


In the next 1-2 years


In the next 3-5 years


I don't have plans, but I'm interested


Only in a long time


Applicant Motivations

What drove these Argentines to apply for Luxembourgish dual citizenship?

Dual Citizenship Motivations

Our Argentine dual citizen respondents indicate that they pursued Luxembourgish dual citizenship to honor their heritage and to provide themselves and their families more opportunities in the future.

*Respondents could make multiple choices and the percentage is based on the number of respondents that answered each question.

Potential Interests

A job in Luxembourg


A job in another European country


Studying in Luxembourg


Studying in another European country


Main Motivations for Applying for Dual Citizenship

I am proud of my Luxembourgish heritage


Considering the future of my children / grandchildren


Desire to reconnect with the land of my ancestors


Recent political or social events have motivated me to obtain a second nationality




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