The following article is for individuals who have already obtained dual citizenship but haven’t obtained the national registry extract. We ask you to always provide us with a mailing address valid for two years.
Change of Address
If we have submitted a citizenship application for you, and you’re waiting for results, you must contact our team to get your address updated with the Luxembourgish Government. This article will not help you to obtain proof of citizenship if that is missing, but is meant for when you move and don’t have a LuxTrust token.
Steps for Change of Address
Do you need to update the Luxembourgish government on your current mailing address? If so, you can use the below sample message in an email to the national registry.
Please make sure to attach your proof of address to your email. This can be either a driver’s license with the correct address or a utility bill with the correct address. Bank statements and cell phone bills do not apply.
Finally, remember that if you have adult children over 18 years old, they need to update the National Registry in their own name and their own email address.
You must have a proof of address attached to each adult family member who resides at the address. So, if you don’t have a utility bill in the name of your 20-year-old child, there needs to be a separate proof of address. If you don’t have a proof of address, you can fill out a declaration on honor.
You should scan the above-mentioned materials and send those to using the below sample email language.
Sample Email
The body of your email should read as the following.
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is LAST NAME First Middle born on DD/MM/YYYY in Town, State, Country. I am registered in the RNPP under the number INSERT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FROM LETTER. I have recently moved house and wish to inform the Luxembourgish government of my new address.
Please find attached a duly signed copy of my National Registry Extract letter with the rectified information, as well as the supporting documentation in the form of a “utility bill/driver’s license/a declaration on honor” (select one).
LAST NAME First Middle

If You Haven’t Received the National Registry Extract
Did you apply for citizenship and not receive the RNPP National Registry Extract letter in the mail? Or, have you lost the national registry extract over time?
The Process for Obtaining an Extract Letter
If you never received your proof of citizenship (certificate of nationality), LuxCitizenship can help you get a new copy. If this is because you moved and the address you provided to us was not good for two years, this will be subject to a fee. However, the citizenship office never updates the address officially on file with the national government. Therefore, you have to go out of your way to contact the RNPP to get your address changed.
You can use the above model email. A representative of the government will let you know if you need to submit additional information or proof of address. Once your new address is updated on their side, you’ll receive a new extract letter a few days later.
Please note that your communication with the National Registry is considered private and sensitive communication between you and the Luxembourgish Government. You should never include the LuxCitizenship team in this correspondence.