Webinar: Understanding Education in Luxembourg | March 22, 2025 – RSVP Now

Luxembourg Election Resource Center
LuxCitizenship has created this page for Luxembourg Dual Citizens through ancestry wanting to learn about elections in the Grand Duchy.
Luxembourg Election Resource Center

LuxCitizenship has created this page for Luxembourg Dual Citizens through ancestry wanting to learn about elections in the Grand Duchy.
The next elections in Luxembourg will take place in 2028. This page remains open as a resource about elections in Luxembourg.

The next elections in Luxembourg will take place in 2028. This page remains open as a resource about elections in Luxembourg.

Voting for Luxembourg citizens living abroad is optional.
If you make the personal choice to vote, we believe that it’s important to inform yourself about Luxembourg’s elections & democracy. We’ve created this page to help guide you.
Voting for Luxembourg citizens living abroad is optional.
If you make the personal choice to vote, we believe that it’s important to inform yourself about Luxembourg’s elections & democracy. We’ve created this page to help guide you.
Luxembourg’s Elections – The Basics
Luxembourg has three types of elections
Municipal – Once every six years (June 2023)
Legislative – Once every five years (October 2023)
European – Once every five years (June 2024)
Citizens living outside of Luxembourg have the right to request an absentee ballot for the Legislative and European elections.

Luxembourg has three types of elections

Municipal – Once every six years (June 2023)
Legislative – Once every five years (October 2023)
European – Once every five years (June 2024)
Citizens living outside of Luxembourg have the right to request an absentee ballot for the Legislative and European elections.

Who is eligible to vote?
You have received proof of possessing Luxembourgish citizenship
You possess a Luxembourgish passport or ID Card
You are over 18 years of age*
Who is eligible to vote?

You have received proof of possessing Luxembourgish citizenship
You possess a Luxembourgish passport or ID Card
You are over 18 years of age*
How do I Vote?
Luxembourgers abroad vote by mail-in absentee ballot
Registration is done online
Your absentee ballot can be sent to you at any address you designate on the form
You must mail the absentee ballot back by the deadline

How do I Vote?

Luxembourgers abroad vote by mail-in absentee ballot
Registration is done online
Your absentee ballot can be sent to you at any address you designate on the form
You must mail the absentee ballot back by the deadline
What are the Next Steps?
If you have a motivated, personal reason to vote in Luxembourg’s elections, the first step you should take is informing yourself about the parties and candidates. Luxembourg is a multiparty democracy.
We suggest that you follow some of Luxembourg’s English language news sources.
Please note that this video was recorded for the Legislative elections in October 2023. Generally, the process works almost exactly the same way.
Here are the steps to follow to register to vote by absentee ballot in Luxembourg’s upcoming election.
Registration to vote is currently: CLOSED
You can either register by postal mail or online via MyGuichet (if you have a qualifying Token or PIN
To register to vote via postal mail, visit the Luxembourg City website (form is in French).
To register to vote via myGuichet in English, use this form.
Here are the steps to follow to register to vote by absentee ballot in Luxembourg’s upcoming election.
Please note that this video was recorded for the Legislative elections in October 2023. Generally, the process works almost exactly the same way.
Registration to vote is already: CLOSED
You can either register by mail or online via MyGuichet (if you have a qualifying Token or PIN)
To register to vote via postal mail, visit the Luxembourg City website (form is in French)
To register to vote via myGuichet in English, use this form
Absentee ballots will be delivered via Express Carrier
You have the opportunity to accord multiple votes
You can vote in two different ways: see video
Please note that this video was recorded for the Legislative elections in October 2023. Generally, the process works almost exactly the same way.
Please note that this video was recorded for the Legislative elections in October 2023. Generally, the process works almost exactly the same way.
Absentee ballots will be delivered via Express Carrier in mid-May
You have the opportunity to accord up to 6 votes
You can vote in two different ways: see video
Place your ballot in the provided security envelope
You must send this envelope to the designated address
You must pay for the postage if you send it from outside of Luxembourg
Send the ballot no later than 10 days before the final deadline


Place your ballot in the provided security envelope
You must send this envelope to the designated address
You must pay for the postage if you send it from outside of Luxembourg
Send the ballot no later than 10 days before the final deadline