Hiking in Luxembourg is the best way to see the country. We recommend leaving at least one day on your first visit to familiarize yourself with Luxembourg’s countryside and nature. Here, you’ll find the true magic that makes Luxembourg special.
Hiking in Luxembourg’s Unique Landscapes
Hiking Mullerthal – Luxembourg’s Little Switzerland
The Mullerthal region is also called Mëllerdall in Luxembourgish and is known as “Luxembourg’s Little Switzerland”. Yes, Luxembourgers really call it that. Mullerthal is a geologically unique region and has three main hiking Routes and four Extra Tours. Depending on the route you choose, you will get to experience Luxembourg’s meadows, woods, stream valleys, and even some Luxembourgish romantic castles, including the Castle of Beaufort along Route 3.
The main thing you’ll want to look out for here is the namesake trail, which boasts of Luxembourg’s beautiful sandstone formations and stunning views of the region. It was named a Leading Quality Trail in Europe in 2014.
Some of the trails begin or end in Echternach, one of the most famous towns in Luxembourg.

Hiking Through the Vineyards of the Moselle Wine Region
Another hiking region of interest is the Moselle Wine Region of Luxembourg, where you can hike around the beautiful vineyard landscapes. You get to experience southeastern Luxembourg and take in the thematic trails and enchantment of wine villages along the way.
The majority of these hikes are low difficulty, including the Circular Walk “Cremant”, which takes you through the vineyard villages of Wellenstein, Bech-Kleinmacher, and Schwebsange.
Or, you could hike the slightly more difficult Circular Walk “Wine, KulTour & Scenery in the Pure State” as you expand your Luxembourgish palette and learn about winegrowing, the cultural history of Luxembourg, and the Moselle Valley’s geology.

Hiking Luxembourg from North to South!
Some people even venture to hike Luxembourg from North to South because they want to be able to say they’ve hiked an entire country. The trek itself is achievable in about a week’s time and consists of around 140 km of hiking overall. This could be a great option for adventure seekers who are up for a challenge and don’t want to miss out on any part of Luxembourg’s landscape.
How to Get Around with Free Transport in Luxembourg
There are free and easy ways to travel to both Mullerthal and Moselle via Luxembourg’s buses. Additionally, you can take Luxembourg’s trains to the north to see various castles, including Vianden, Bourscheid Castle, or the Esch-sur-Sûre Castle ruins, and see scenic views along the way. You can also hike between Ansembourg and Hollenfals Castles or even hike the whole Valley of the Seven Castles. Or, head East to make your way to Mullerthal and begin your hike. Not too long ago, Luxembourg made train and bus transport free to all residents and visitors, with the exception of first-class travelers.
The Grand Duchy’s national railway company CFL (Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois) operates the regional buses and trains. From Luxembourg City – the center of travel – you can take routes to all five of Luxembourg’s regions. It might be helpful to know that train stations in Luxembourg are called “gare” (pronounced like “car” in English, but with a g).