Have you received a letter from Luxembourg that looks like the above image? We are frequently contacted by people who receive a letter “under Article 37”. Learn more about this National Registry extract document.
First off, yes it’s in a foreign language, don’t panic. Keep reading the document. There is a section in English.
Second off, unfortunately, no, this is not your Luxembourg citizenship certificate. This is a separate document. Learn below to find out more.
National Registry Extract
The Extract letter comes from the “RNPP”, which is the Registre national des personnes physiques, or the National Registry of Physical Persons in Luxembourg. The National Registry is a division of the CTIE or the Luxembourg State Information Technology Center. The National Registry maintains the proof of who is a citizen or resident of Luxembourg.
The Registry is also the database storing all Luxembourg social security numbers. When you apply for a passport, the government checks if you are registered in the RNPP.
Most importantly: This document is not a legal proof of your citizenship or entitlement to apply for a passport. This document is only a readout of the information on file in the National Registry. The info must be correct when you apply for a passport.
The National Registry and CTIE are a separate part of Luxembourg’s Government from the Ministry of Justice, which is responsible for issuing all legal documents related to proof of citizenship.
When Do I Get This National Registry Extract?
All applicants for dual citizenship receive National Registry Extracts. People living in Luxembourg receive this document in the mail after they move house. You will also receive this letter both when Luxembourg first enters your details into the National Registry and after your citizenship is confirmed.
Citizenship applicants under Articles 89 and 23 (so 7/23 as well) also receive this letter after we have requested an appointment for you to apply for citizenship at the Bierger-Center. In this case, the Bierger-Center puts in the minimum information to book your appointment. Therefore, your information might come across really incorrect. Don’t panic! Just bring the letter with you to the Bierger-Center and put out the errors.
Sometimes dual citizenship candidates receive this document for seemingly random reasons. For example, if they catch that they wrote your name down wrong in the database, you might receive an additional letter in the mail with no explanation. Any change to your information causes this letter to be issued.
If the “nationalité” (nationality) box shows “luxembourgeoise”, you can know that the government does already consider you a citizen but this document cannot be used as proof of citizenship with any government institution. You have already or should soon receive a separate envelope containing proof of citizenship.
National Registry Extracts cannot be sent to PO Boxes. If your provided address in your citizenship application paperwork is a PO Box, you will not receive the letter.
Your National Identity Number
Although this document is not usable proof of citizenship, this National Registry Extract does have one very important purpose. The extract provides you with your Luxembourg national identity or social security number, called the matricule.
You will see in the image to the right four red squares. That is where your matricule is located. The number starts either 19 or 20. You should note that full number down and keep it very safe.
However, you should understand that a Luxembourg matricule is not the same as a Social Security Number in the USA. It is used much less frequently in Luxembourg. The matricule is primarily for health care and social security benefits. If you are not a Luxembourg resident and have never paid taxes in Luxembourg, your matricule and social security benefits are inactive.

Update Incorrect Information
It is not uncommon for there to be errors in the RNPP data. If you actually live in Luxembourg, you should update this data. If you live abroad, you can do so as well.
Step-by-Step Instructions
There are three ways to update the national registry extract, either via snail mail, email, or via their website.
In any case, it’s important to have scans of supporting documents ready such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, passports, or utility bills proving addresses. You’ll find instructions below.
Please note that this is a private matter between you and the Luxembourg Government. Do not CC LuxCitizenship on any RNPP emails.
For Married Applicants
Many married applicants will be surprised to see that the “Family Status” row will say Inconnu depuis le –/–/—-” or “Unknown since –/–/—-“.
This is because the RNPP is only for Luxembourg citizens and residents. If your spouse has never lived in Luxembourg, they will not exist in the RNPP and need to be manually to be included. Note that this is not required unless you move to Luxembourg, but you can manually have your spouse added. In this case, we suggest writing the RNPP an email rather than using the website.
Get a scan of your marriage certificate and a copy of your and your spouse’s passports ready to go. They will not accept unclear photos.
The email that you should contact is registre.national@ctie.
The body of your email should read as follows.
“To Whom It May Concern:
My name is LAST NAME First Middle born on DD/MM/YYYY in Town, State, Country. I am registered in the RNPP under the number INSERT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FROM LETTER. I have recently received a copy of my National Registry Extract and wish to rectify some incorrect information. I would like to register that I am (married/in a civil union). The (marriage/civil union) occurred on DD/MM/YYYY at City, (State, – if USA) Country. My spouse’s name is LAST NAME First Middle. You will find the duly required documentation attached.
Rectifying Incorrectly Recorded Gender
We have noticed in 2023 that a number of clients have had their gender incorrectly recorded on the National Registry Extract. We suggest that the best way to resolve this is via email rather than via the website.
NOTE FROM LUXCITIZENSHIP: Please note that at the current time non-binary or other gender forms recorded under an X gender marker are not yet recognized in the Luxembourgish cannon of law. If you applied for Luxembourgish citizenship with a birth certificate and/or passport with the X gender marker from your native country, your national registry extract will be blank in the place for gender. This is not an error and does not require modification.
To update an incorrect gender marker, the email that you should contact is registre.national@ctie.
Prepare a very clear flatbed scan of your birth certificate and unexpired passport. The body of your email should read as follows.
“To Whom It May Concern:
My name is LAST NAME First Middle born on DD/MM/YYYY in Town, State, Country. I am registered in the RNPP under the number INSERT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FROM LETTER. I have recently received a copy of my National Registry Extract and wish to rectify some incorrect information. In the national registry extract my gender is recorded as (M-Male/F-Female), while in fact my gender is (M-Male/F-Female). I have attached the necessary documentation to prove that the information as recorded in the national registry extract is currently incorrect and would appreciate that this discrepancy be rectified as soon as possible.
For Change of Address
Do you need to update the Luxembourgish government on your current mailing address? You can use this website or send an email using the below sample message to the national registry.
Please make sure to provide in attachment to your email proof of your address, either a drivers license with correct address or a utility bill with the correct address. Bank statements and cell phone bills do not apply.
Finally, remember if you have adult children over 18 years old, they need to update the National Registry on their own behalf and in their own name. You must have proof of address for each adult family member at the address. If you don’t have proof of address, you can fill out a declaration on honor.
You should scan the above mentioned materials and send those to registre.national@ctie.
The body of your email should read as the following.
“To Whom It May Concern:
My name is LAST NAME First Middle born on DD/MM/YYYY in Town, State, Country. I am registered in the RNPP under the number INSERT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FROM LETTER. I have recently moved house and wish to inform the Luxembourgish government of my new address.
Please find attached a duly signed copy of my National Registry Extract letter with the rectified information, as well as the supporting documentation in the form of a “utility bill/drivers license/a declaration on honor” (select one).
LAST NAME First Middle”