
Minnesota’s Luxembourg Dual Citizens

The Land of 10,000 Lakes Luxembourgers

Minnesota’s Luxembourg Dual Citizens

The Land of 10,000 Lakes Luxembourgers

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LuxCitizenship has helped over 1,000 Americans on the journey to Luxembourg Dual Citizenship.

One thing that we’ve repeatedly noticed over the years was that a huge number of our applicants or their relatives seemed to have lived in Minnesota at one point. In fact, 28% of LuxCitizenship’s clients were born in or live in Minnesota today.

So, what’s happening in Minnesota? And why are there so many dual citizens there? We’re sure the results will surprise you.


LuxCitizenship has helped over 1,000 Americans on the journey to Luxembourg Dual Citizenship.

One thing that we repeatedly noticed, even in cities as far away as Seattle, was that a huge number of the applicants’ relatives seemed to be coming through Minnesota. In fact, 28% of LuxCitizenship’s clients were born in or live in Minnesota today.

So, what’s happening in Minnesota? And why are there so many dual citizens there? We’re sure the results will surprise you.

About «L’Étoile du Nord»

Minnesota is located to the North of the US Midwest. Most of the state’s land was acquired from France in the Louisiana Purchase. Minnesota became the 32nd American state in 1858.

Minnesota is known as the Land of 10,000 Lakes. But in reality, the number is 11,842.

About «L’Étoile du Nord»

Total Area: 225,163 km2

(Equiv. to Romania)

Population: 5.64 Million

(Equiv. to Denmark)

Largest City: Minneapolis

Capital City: St. Paul

Minnesota is located to the North of the US Midwest. Most of the state’s land was acquired from France in the Louisiana Purchase. Minnesota became the 32nd American state in 1858.

Minnesota is known as the Land of 10,000 Lakes. But in reality, the number is 11,842.

Total Area: 225,163 km2

(Equiv. to Romania)

Population: 5.64 Million

(Equiv. to Denmark)

Largest City: Minneapolis

Capital City: St. Paul

Our Story Starts in Luxembourg

Up to one third of Luxembourg’s population emigrated to the New World in the second half of the 19th century.

Our Story Starts in Luxembourg

Up to one third of Luxembourg’s population emigrated to the New World in the second half of the 19th century.

At the time, Luxembourg was an overpopulated agrarian state. Farmers had so little land that they couldn’t even feed themselves. So they would sell what they had and head to the United States. They often made their to the Midwest and in our case Minnesota. Many of their descendants also stayed.
This study is based on 212 (future) Luxembourgish dual citizens living in Minnesota. These 212 people descend from 43 Luxembourgish ancestors. And those 43 Luxembourgish ancestors were born across 38 towns in 11 of Luxembourg’s 12 cantons.

Ancestor's Location of Birth

Luxembourgers Arrive & History Follows

As an initial large wave of Luxembourgers arrives in the USA in the 1850s, huge amounts of land become available for farming in the Minnesota Territory.

Luxembourgers Arrive & History Follows

As an initial large wave of Luxembourgers arrives in the USA in the 1850s, huge amounts of land become available for farming in the Minnesota Territory.

In the 1850s, one Luxembourgish family got to Winona County, Minnesota. At that point, word started to spread like wildfire that farmland was available for cheap in Minnesota. Huge waves would then follow.
The 1880s were considered the heyday of Luxembourgish immigration to the US. Social life flourished, creating a strong sense of identity. The Luxembourgers even had their own German-language newspaper to distinguish them from the other pro-Prussian ones.

Die Luxemburger in der Neuen Welt

With special land deals in Minnesota, the poor Luxembourgish immigrants were still able to afford owning their own farm.

Die Luxemburger in der Neuen Welt

The Luxembourgers were able to start affordable farms. Eventually, they turned reasonable profits. Towns started to pop up, too. Most Luxembourgers lived into old age, with 65% of them making it past 70 years old.

Eventually, their farms turned reasonable profits and grew from there. Towns started to pop up.
We studied where the dual citizens’ Luxembourgish ancestors resided in Minnesota at the end of their lives. We found the largest concentration in Stearns County. While today it’s a suburban area of Minneapolis, at the time it was largely farmland.
Despite being “frontier land,” most of the Luxembourgish immigrants to Minnesota lived into old age too, with 65% of them making it past 70 years old.

Where Ancestors Lived In MN

Some of the dual citizens’ ancestors are not represented here because their ancestors first stayed in other states (especially Iowa) for a few generations, before migrating up to Minnesota.

In all the other states where Luxembourgish ancestors ended up, we see a gradual migration across the generations, up to 20%. But when we look at Minnesota, it couldn’t be more different.

Luxembourgish Ancestors Passed Away in MN


Our Clients Born in Minnesota


Our Clients Living in Minnesota


So, people feel pretty attached to Minnesota. They must be doing things right. Who are these Luxembourgish Minnesotans?

Once a Minnesotan…

Out of 212 (future) Minnesotan Luxembourg dual citizens studied, 61.5% were born in Minnesota and live there today. 20.3% of them were born in Minnesota but have since moved elsewhere. And 18.2% of them were born elsewhere but live in Minnesota today.

Once a Minnesotan…

Out of 212 (future) Minnesota-based Luxembourg dual citizens, 61.5% were born in Minnesota and live there today. 20.3% of them were born in Minnesota but have since moved elsewhere. And 18.2% of them were born elsewhere but live in Minnesota today.

Where Applicants Were Born

Most of the applicants born in Minnesota are 4-5 generations removed from their ancestor. As a general pattern, we see that most of the ancestors passed away towards the turn of the 20th century. At that time, none were living in Minneapolis (Hennepin County).
In the following generations, there is clear movement into the Twin Cities (Hennepin & Ramsey County, Surrounding). Today, only 3% of Minnesota’s population works in agriculture. Most of Minnesota remains rural land, though.

Always a Minnesotan

The Minnesota Luxembourg dual citizens studied are generally in their 30s-50s today. Between them, there’s a near-even split between male and female applicants.

Always a Minnesotan

The Minnesota Luxembourg dual citizens are generally in their 30s-50s today. Between them, there’s a near-even split between male and female applicants.

Minnesotan Applicant Gender

Applicant Current Age

18-20 0
20-29 0
30-39 0
40-49 0
50-59 0
60-69 0
70+ 0

Where Are They Today?

We noticed that the Minnesota dual citizens’ parents and grandparents largely found their work in or around the urbanized area surrounding the Twin Cities.

Where Are They Today?

We noticed that the Minnesota dual citizens’ parents and grandparents largely found their work in or around the urbanized area surrounding the Twin Cities.

Well, their children decided it was a good idea to stay, too. And many of them appear to like the big city now. Today, 72% of the Minnesotans applying for dual citizenship live in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Area. This area is otherwise called the Twin Cities.
72% of Minnesotans is equal to almost 20% of all the new American-Luxembourgers living in the Twin Cities alone. This would mean that the Twin Cities are the metropolitan area in the USA with by far the largest concentration of Luxembourg dual citizens.

Where Applicants Live by County

We believe this phenomenon comes down to the high level of historic Luxembourgish immigration to Minnesota coupled with the Twin Cities being a highly educated & affluent urban center. Minnesota is also located on an international border, so Minnesotans are more easily able to travel outside the US than the national average.
By the end of 2022, if all pre-qualified applicants obtain citizenship, we would expect at least 888 dual citizens to be living in the Twin Cities metro area alone.
In terms of eligible voters for Luxembourgish elections, that would mean the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area has more eligible voters than Heffingen in Luxembourg’s Center electoral circumscription (774 voters).
In terms of eligible voters for Luxembourgish elections, that would mean the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area has more eligible voters than Heffingen in Luxembourg’s Center electoral circumscription.

So, What’s the Deal with the Twin Cities?

Minneapolis (Hennepin County) is Minnesota’s biggest city. Just across the river and a short drive away sits its capital city, Saint Paul (Ramsey County). The Twin Cities are an economic powerhouse in their own right, accounting for 72.8% of Minnesota’s GDP.

So, What’s the Deal with the Twin Cities?

Minneapolis (Hennepin County) is Minnesota’s biggest city. Just across the river and a short drive away sits its capital city, Saint Paul (Ramsey County). The Twin Cities are an economic powerhouse in their own right, accounting for 72.8% of Minnesota GDP.

Twin Cities Metro Area Population 🏘️: 3.62 Million

Minneapolis City: 420,324 | Saint Paul City: 304,547

Gross Domestic Product 💰: $242.54 Billion

(Equiv. to Madrid or Chile)


  • High Tech 💻

  • Medical Products 💉

  • Food Processing 🍽️

  • Retail 🛍️

  • Financial Services 🏦

Growing City, Growing Family

We know that 888 dual citizens will be living in the Twin Cities by the end of 2022. Based on our research, 56% are married, and their spouses could eventually naturalize. 45% have minor children who are not counted in our figures. 14.2% have adult children who have not yet applied for citizenship, but could in the future.

Growing City, Growing Family

We know that 797 dual citizens will be living in the Twin Cities by the end of 2022. 56% are married, and their spouses could eventually naturalize. 45% have minor children who are not counted in our figures. 14.2% have adult children who have not yet applied for citizenship, but could in the future.

Applicant Marriage Status

Applicant's Total Children

No Children 0
1 Child 0
2 Children 0
3 Children 0
4+ Children 0

% of Children Applying

Minnesota’s High Standard of Living

Minnesota is one of the US states with the highest income and education levels. It is also on the border with Canada, making it an important gateway for trade.

Minnesota’s High Standard of Living

Minnesota is one of the US states with the highest income and education levels. It is also on the border with Canada, making it an important gateway for trade. We believe this all contributes to the high number of dual citizens.

Gross Domestic Product 💰: $333.267 Billion

(Equiv. to United Arab Emirates)

GDP Per Capita 🏘️: $53,043 (16th in the US)


  • Services & Technology 💻

  • Manufacturing 🏭

  • Farming & Forestry 🌳


Minnesota is the state with the highest portion of people holding at least a high school diploma. It has 2 public university systems, spanning 37 institutions, and 20 private institutions.


Minnesota is ranked 31st best for education systems in the US, with the highest portion of people holding at least a high school diploma.

It has 2 public university systems, spanning 37 institutions and 5 major campuses of the University of Minnesota. There are 20 private higher education institutions. Of our dual citizens, nearly 50% have a bachelor’s degree and have studied some aspect of business or health/medicine.

Education Level

Associates 0
Trade School / Further Education 0
Bachelor 0
Masters 0
Doctorate 0

College Major

Business Management 0
Health / Medical 0
Education 0
Engineering / Computer Science 0
Sciences 0
Other or General Studies 0


Our dual citizen population works in a wide variety of fields. Both in fields that are in demand in Luxembourg, as well as positions that can be useful liaisons for Luxembourg in the USA.


Our dual citizen population works in a wide variety of fields.

Both in fields that are in demand in Luxembourg, as well as positions that can be useful liaisons for Luxembourg in the USA. Among our Minnesota and especially Minneapolis dual citizen clients, we see both the highest number of entrepreneurs and people who have stated concrete projects of moving to or working with Luxembourg in some way across all the Americans we work with.

Among our Minnesota and especially Minneapolis dual citizen clients, we see both the highest number of entrepreneurs and people who have stated concrete projects of moving to or working with Luxembourg in some way across all the Americans we work with.

Minnesota is the headquarters for 33 of the US’s 1,000 top publicly traded companies by revenue, including Target, UnitedHealth, 3M, General Mills, and U.S. Bancorp. It is also the HQ for key American private companies, including Cargill and the world-renowned Mayo Clinic (the state’s largest employer).

The Twin Cities are the second largest medical device manufacture center in North America. They are the fourth-biggest US banking center based on total assets. They are home to over 400 innovating companies and startups.

For more information on Minnesota’s innovation ecosystem, check out this link, as well as the State Government’s Launch Minnesota program.

Applicant Career Field

Management, Sales & Marketing 0
Sciences, Engineering & Tech 0
Medicine & Health Services 0
Education 0
Government, Administration & Non-Profit 0
Arts, Media & Entertainment 0
Agriculture 0
Other 0

Interested in learning more about Luxembourg Dual Citizens?

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Interested in learning more about Luxembourg Dual Citizens?

Our team has put together 6 interactive studies on Luxembourg dual citizens. Check out our case study portal to continue reading!

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